
Friday, April 07, 2006

Epilepsy: No more Fear

Many people with epilepsy restrict their activities, fearing injury during seizures, even if the disease is well controlled. But those fears appear to be overblown, a new Mayo Clinic study concludes.

The study, which was published last week in the journal Neurology, examined the medical records of 247 epilepsy patients who were followed for an average of 10 years. It found that only 39 of them suffered seizure-related injuries and that most of them were minor, usually bruises to the head.

The bulk of the injuries occurred among people with the most serious cases: those with uncontrolled seizures, with generalized convulsions or drop attacks, or those who had suffered injuries in falls in the past, according one of the study's authors, Dr. Elson L. So of the Mayo Clinic. Frequency of seizures was the strongest predictor of injury, he said.

Dr. So said that being too cautious carried its own risks, possibly resulting in "social isolation, physical inactivity and psychological dependency."

He advises people with epilepsy outside the high-risk category to take basic safety measures like wearing helmets while biking. They may also consider having companions or supervision for more dangerous activities like swimming.

Those at higher risk should work with their doctors to bring their seizures under the tightest possible control, he said. They should avoid driving and stress and should modify their homes to reduce the chance of accidents or injury, he said.

An editorial accompanying the article noted that a loosening of restrictions for drivers with epilepsy had not been accompanied by noticeably higher accident rates.